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How to Fix Error Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone

View 6 Possible Solutions

How to fix Error Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone? Nowadays you have the option to view the subtitles for most YouTube videos on your iPhone as both the viewers and content creators become aware of the benefits that providing these subtitles can offer. Nevertheless, you still might come across technical problems when it comes to loading your subtitles of choice for your YouTube video. In this guide, the Free Phone App team offers you 6 fixes that can help you Fix Error Loading Captions on Youtube on iPhone.

How to Fix Error Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone

1. Fix Permission Issues

Fix Permission Issues
Fix Permission Issues

When you are trying to access YouTube videos on your iPhone, you might receive the “Error Loading Captions” due to the fact that you have not allowed the YouTube app access to one or more permissions. If this is the case, here is what you need to do:

  • Go to App manager in the Settings app on your iPhone
  • Tap on the YouTube app
  • Tap on Permissions
  • Enable everything on this list except for Telephone & Contacts
  • Close the Settings app

Once you are done, load the YouTube video you intend to watch again, the captions should now be loading properly. If not, you need to try another method to fix the error.

2. The YouTube App Needs Updating

Update YouTube
Update YouTube

If you have fixed the permission issues but are still receiving the Error Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone, it might mean that the YouTube app on your iPhone needs to be updated to the latest version.

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A lot of the errors you get when trying to watch videos on YouTube are generally caused by bugs. Fortunately for us, these unpleasant bugs are being constantly targeted and fixed with every update of the application that is released. So simply updating the YouTube App on your iPhone may be able to take care of the subtitle loading error.

3. YouTube App Needs to Be Reinstalled

If you have tried updating the YouTube app on your iPhone to no avail and you are still getting the Error Loading Captions, you might need to first uninstall and then reinstall the YouTube application on your iPhone.

Once you have reinstalled the YouTube app, go to the video you were trying to watch and reload it, the problem should be fixed not and you should be able to view the subtitles for the video properly.

4. You Need to Clear Cache Data

Regardless of the device, you are using, you need to make a point of clearing your cache data every once in a while, for everything to work properly. Clearing the YouTube app’s cache data might just be able to fix Error Loading Captions on YouTube on your iPhone.

5. Refresh YouTube window

If you are still getting the Error Loading Captions on YouTube on your iPhone after having tried the previous 4 steps, try refreshing the YouTube video’s window. It would be a good idea to pause the YouTube video before you do this not to lose any progress and be able to pick up exactly where you left off.

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6. Closed Captioning in the Accessibility Settings Should Be Enabled

Apart from the subtitles settings that are available on the YouTube video’s web player, there is also another set of controls that are available to use in your system settings. If you enable these settings, you make sure that closed captions and subtitles are shown if available on YouTube.

These settings also allow you to configure the appearance or subtitle styling which can also be helpful with your error Not Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone.

  1. Open the Settings app and scroll down
  2. Tap Accessibility.
  3. Tap Subtitles & Captioning under Hearing
  4. Turn on Closed Captions + SDH

How to Add Subtitles on YouTube by Uploading a Pre-Written File

Before you start, be sure to check and make sure that the file type you want to upload to YouTube is supported on this network.

  1. Enter YouTube Studio Beta.
  2. In the left sidebar, select “Videos”.
  3. Click on the title or thumbnail of the video you want to add subtitles to.
  4. Select “Advanced” from the top of the screen.
  5. From the drop-down list under the “Original video language, subtitles and CC” section, select the language you want and then click on “Upload Subtitles/CC”.
  6. Now choose whether your file has a schedule or not. Then click on “Continue” option.
  7. Select the file and click on “Open”.
  8. Finally, click on “Save” option.

How to Add Subtitles to YouTube Manually

Note that this is currently only available in YouTube Studio Classic; So if you are using YouTube Studio Beta you should go back to the classic version.

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To add subtitles on YouTube in this way, click on the icon that looks like leaving a room and is located in the lower left corner of the screen. After this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your video manager.
  2. Select the video you want to edit.
  3. On the top toolbar, click on “Subtitles / CC”.
  4. Select the desired language for subtitles and click on “Set Language”.
  5. Click on “Add New Subtitles or CC” and select the language in the drop-down list.
  6. Select “Create New Subtitles or CC” option.
  7. Now play your movie and stop the movie wherever you want to add subtitles or captions.
  8. Type the subtitles in the text box on the left side of the video and click on the blue “+” button.
  9. n the lower section and below the video, you can specify how long it will be shown on the screen by dragging the subtitle.
  10. If necessary, repeat this task and after completing all these steps, click on “Publish” or “Save Changes”

Summing Up

This was the Free Phone App team’s 6 best ways how to fix Error Loading Captions on YouTube on iPhone for you to try when subtitles and captions on YouTube are not loading or working correctly. With all the fixes in this guide, you may as well say goodbye to your YouTube subtitle loading troubles on your iPhone.

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