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How to Change Subtitle Color in Netflix Android Phone

How to change subtitle color in Netflix Android phone? This is the frequently asked question we will be focusing on in this post by Free Phone App team. Stay tuned to the end of this guide is this is something that interests you.

How to Change Subtitle Color in Netflix Android Phone

In this guide we will be showing you how you can go about changing the settings for the subtitles in Netflix, so changing things like the size, the color, the font, the brightness, the border. All these sorts of things that you can do to customize exactly how those subtitles appear when you’re watching Netflix.

Changing How the Subtitles Look

In order to do this, you want to head on over to Netflix website. Once you’re in your profile, go into the upper right hand corner hover over your profile image and then go down and click where it says ‘account’ and then you want to scroll down towards the bottom of your account page into the area where it says ‘profile and parental controls’ and then again find your particular profile and then click the little down arrow and then again scroll down until you find where it says ‘subtitle appearance’ and click where it says ‘change.

Mow this is the area where you can set all of those different settings so you can change the text size between small medium and large and what we love about this is that it shows you a preview of how things are looking as you change them so you can also change the font to whichever one that you like. You can change the color or the main color of the font itself as well as the color of the shadow, if you want some of these

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Shadow & Background Options

different types of shadow options, and then right here you can change the color of the shadow.  So, let’s say I want yellow text with green background. Although this may not be very readable but that’s something that you can go ahead and set if you want and then also what can really help if you’re having a hard time viewing the subtitles is adding a background. So, by choosing a black background you can see that it puts a black box behind that text and it makes it really easy to spot as it stands out a bit more. You can get rid of that and you can also do ‘window’ which will expand it a bit further beyond. Then the text will be a bit wider in this instance.

So, you can change those different options as well and then once you find something that you’re happy with you can go in and click ‘Save’ or if you want it to go back to the default you can click ‘reset to default’ or you can just back out by clicking ‘cancel’. So, this is How to Change Subtitle Color in Netflix Android Phone.

Summing Up

How to change subtitle color in Netflix Android phone? This is the frequently asked question we responded to in this post by Free Phone App team. Hope you found this guide helpful.

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