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How Can I Get My Contacts from Google to iPhone?

Moving Contacts from Google to iPhone

How can I get my contacts from Google to iPhone? Many people have multiple email addresses at different email providers, all of which keep track of their contacts. For example, Google Contacts is an autonomous service that only tracks people you’ve contacted through Gmail when using your Android phone or if you’ve synced it with your iOS device. In this article on Free Phone App , we are going to learn how we can transfer contacts from Google to iPhone. Stay tuned to the end of this guide if this is something that interests you.

How Can I Get My Contacts from Google to iPhone?

Just as an Apple ID is the identity card of Apple products such as iPhone and iPad, a Google or Gmail account can also be considered the identity card of Android products. When you activate your Google account on your Android phone, you will be able to use various services and possibilities. One of the features that will be available to you is the possibility of synchronizing the contact list of the device. Imagine that you have bought a new Android phone and you want to transfer the contact list of your old Android phone to the new phone. In order to do this, it would be enough to enter the active Gmail account on the new phone and log in. In this simple way, you will see the contacts of the old phone added to the new phone.

But is this action only available for Android devices? In other words, can you add Gmail contacts to iPhone, iPad, or Apple MacBooks just as easily? For example, imagine that you have recently bought an iPhone for the first time and now you want to transfer the contacts list of your Google contacts on old Android phone to the new iPhone. Is this possible? Fortunately, it is possible to do this. You can get your contacts from Google to iPhone.

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What Is the Most Important Reason for Transferring Contacts from Google to iPhone?

In Gmail, you have one place for all your contacts. For personal use, iCloud for your Apple devices, Outlook for work All email providers store your unique contacts in separate sections. Services are often not synchronized. You may often email someone new, then send them a text message, only to find they are not on your contact list. This is because services often do not sync contacts automatically. Backup and sync are important steps to take.

You no longer want to use Gmail. People often change email providers. Many also want to leave Google due to privacy concerns. Once you’ve synced your contacts, you can email people through iCloud or other email addresses with the same ease as using Gmail. iCloud supports precise synchronization on iPhone. To sync contacts and data, Apple forces Gmail and other services to use different protocols to receive new data. This means your data is less likely to sync, which can cause contacts to not sync properly or when you need them to.

Moving Contacts from Google to iPhone
Moving Contacts from Google to iPhone

How Can I Export My Contacts from Google to iPhone?

You can sync Google contacts with iOS without touching your iPhone. iCloud syncing with all your Apple devices keeps your iCloud contact information on each of your devices. This means you can grab Google contacts from the web and download them to your system. In the rest of this article, we will talk about this issue:

  1. Go to (sign in to Google if necessary).
  2. Open the Google Contacts app from the dot menu at the top right of the screen.
  3. From the Google Contacts website, select Export.
  4. Select vCard for iOS contacts from the window that opens.
  5. Select Export.
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Here, all your Google contacts will be downloaded in the form of a virtual card in your system. If you want to read and download Google contacts, iPhone needs them to be in virtual card format, so don’t skip this step. Once your Google contacts have been downloaded in virtual card format, follow these steps on your Mac to download and sync the contacts to your iCloud account:

  • Open the Contacts app on your Mac.
  • Select File from the menu bar.
  • Select Import.
  • Select the virtual card file downloaded from the Google Contacts website
  • Click on Open.
  • Your Google contacts now show up in the Contacts app on your Mac, syncing with iCloud.
Exporting Contacts from Google to iPhone
Exporting Contacts from Google to iPhone

Get Contacts from Google to iPhone Manually

It is not possible to transfer Gmail contacts to iCloud without using iPhone or Android devices. This process involves downloading contacts from your Gmail account, then re-uploading them to your iCloud account. To start, go to Google Contacts in your web browser and enter your login information. Now you should see your Google contact list.

To form a copy of these Google contacts, click on Export in the left panel. This gives you three formats to choose from: Google CSV, Outlook CSV, and vCard (for iOS audiences).

A similar dialog box allows you to send all of your audience or just the ones you’ve selected. Click Export when you are ready. This will download the file to your device.

Now you need to go to your iCloud account. To do this, go to the iCloud website and enter your username and password. This will bring up a list of all your iCloud apps. Select Contacts to continue.

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After the contacts are loaded, you need to click on the gear icon in the lower left corner, then select Import vCard from the menu.

Find the Fable contacts you downloaded and open them. Your Gmail contacts will then begin transferring to your iCloud account. Based on the number of audiences, this process may take several minutes.

As soon as the contact import process is complete, all your Google contacts will be quickly available in the Contacts app on your iPhone.


In this guide by the Free Phone App team, we went over this frequently asked question: How can I get my contacts from Google to iPhone? Hope you found this post useful.

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