Android AppsApp introduction and review

Top 3 free Tone Generator apps for android

A signal generator app generates an audio signal. These apps can produce sounds that cover a wide range of frequency spectrum. It can have many applications such as testing the frequency bandwidth of an electronic device, checking the frequency range that can be heard, etc. In this article on the Free Phone App site, after reviewing several apps in this field, we decided to introduce the best ones. So stay with us until the end of this article.

App Name Rate on App Store Number of Installs
Sound Signal Generator **** +50K
RadonSoft **** +1M
Sound Signal Generator 2 **** +10K

Most of these programs work from the frequency range of 1 Hz to 20 kHz. Each program has additional features for specific needs. Some programs allow you to adjust the volume and adjust the stereo channel balance. You can create multiple signals and output them all at once to produce a composite sound, and you can also generate a dynamic signal that covers a specific frequency range.

Sound Signal Generator

Sound Signal Generator is another free signal generation program for Android. This program can generate 3 signals simultaneously. It offers a traditional wheel-type interface where you can adjust the audio frequency. The frequency wheel allows you to set the frequency anywhere between 0.1 Hz and 20.0 kHz. You can configure it beyond that, but the app can only generate signals up to 20kHz. There are three such frequency wheels in this program that can produce different shapes. If you want to generate only one signal, you can set the other two signals to zero. This gives you more flexibility to play with multiple signals at different volume levels. Apart from that, you can adjust the volume and adjust the left and right channels to your liking.

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This app supports Sine, Triangle and Square waveforms.

In this app, you can enable the option to run the program in the background.

The sound frequency in this program is from 0.1 Hz to 20 kHz.

You can balance the audio channels as you wish.


In this app, You need in-app payment to use all the features.



Radon Share using Ultrasound2

RadonSoft is another free signal generator app for Android. This is a relatively simple program to generate an audio signal. It has two sliders on the screen, one for volume and one for frequency. The volume slider ranges from 60dB to 0dB while the frequency slider ranges from 20Hz to 20kHz. In addition, there are three other options where you can choose the type of noise you want. You can go with sine wave, white noise or pink noise.

Radon Share using Ultrasound1


This program can only generate sine waveforms.

This app can run in the background.

The frequency range of this app is 20 Hz to 20 kHz.


Sound Signal Generator 2

Sound Signal Generator 21

Sound Signal Generator 2 is another version of the Sound Signal Generator program described above. It offers the same traditional wheel-style layout for adjusting the frequency and phase of the waveform to generate the signal. There is only one wheel to configure frequency, wave phase and volume percentage. However, you can create up to 100 different configurations and generate that many signals simultaneously. The program has an additional wheel where you can configure 100 slots. The frequency range is 01 Hz to 20 kHz with options to balance audio channels and volume.

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Sound Signal Generator 22


This app can create different waveforms.

Optional setting to run the app in the background.

The sound frequency is from 01 Hz to 20 kHz.

You can adjust the stereo balance.

This program can generate 100 signals simultaneously.


If you want to use this app, you You need in-app payment.



In this article, we have answered one of the most important needs of users on the Free Phone App site and examined it from different sections. There are other apps that you can use, but in this article, we reviewed the most important ones.

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