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Top 3 free password manager apps for ios

If you’re using the same password for all the different accounts in your digital life, you should know that this unfortunately opens you up to all kinds of security risks. If a hacker gets hold of one of your passwords, they can try it on all of your accounts, effectively taking control of your digital life. A good password manager helps you create and manage unique and strong passwords in one centralized location.

While there are plenty of great paid password managers on the market, you can also use some for free. We’ve compared the best free password managers in the world to help keep your most important data safe. If you want to know more about this topic, stay with us until the end of this article.


App Name Rate on App Store Number of Installs
NordPass **** +1M
Dashlane ***** +5M
LastPass **** +10M




A very popular premium password manager is NordPass, which offers a free iPhone app. With it you can store unlimited passwords, credit card information and other sensitive information. Needless to say, its security and privacy are provided along with it. Your first step of protection is a unique master password known only to you, which is the master key to your encrypted vault.

You can choose from different authentication methods, such as biometrics, SMS, authentication app, etc. The vault is encrypted using next-generation encryption that goes even further than industry standard encryption. NordPass follows a strict privacy policy, meaning that you are the only one who has access to your data. The company was recently audited by an independent auditor and no security or privacy flaws were found.

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NordPass2 1


Unlimited password storage

New generation encryption

Multiple authentication methods

Password health check is included

Free support and live chat


Only one device per free user can be used.




Dashlane offers one of the most versatile password management tools and has a free app for iOS devices. This app can improve your online security and make your browsing experience easier. Many of the world’s leading password managers know that Dashlane also uses special encryption to protect your assets from prying eyes. It is possible to add an extra security layer of two-factor authentication, but note that as a free user, you must do this through a desktop panel.

This password manager is based on a zero-knowledge architecture, which means that even the provider does not have access to your encrypted data. While the premium Dashlane has a built-in VPN, dark web scanner, and doesn’t force you to protect which device, the free version is quite laggy. Unfortunately, the free Dashlane app only allows you one simultaneous connection per account, and you have to choose which device you’re using. On the other hand, you can save unlimited passwords and it is possible to auto-fill credentials for logins and forms. You can also use a password generator to create unbreakable passwords and save sensitive notes.



Best quality AES encryption.

Two-step authentication.


No desktop application.

It is free for users without cross-device support.



LastPass Password Manager1

One of the oldest password managers on the market, LastPass has a free app for basic password protection. Once you’ve chosen the exact device you’re using, you get all the essentials you’d expect from a password manager. Even though LastPass is a closed-text program that hasn’t passed an independent audit, it’s a safe option. This app uses the most up-to-date encryption that protects you from any attempts to steal your credit. There is a native authentication program, two-factor authentication, and multi-factor authentication, which makes your firewall a tough nut to crack.

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Unfortunately, LastPass cannot boast of a flawless past. Due to several security flaws, this password manager may cause doubts. However, it claims to respect your privacy. As mentioned, your data is only on our servers when it is encrypted. On the other; This password manager allows you to store unlimited passwords and other types of information such as insurance, driver’s license and credit card information. You can create new strong passwords with the password generator, autocomplete your credentials in all major browsers, and check the safety level of your passwords in the security dashboard. To get the most out of it, getting a premium plan should be your move as features like credit monitoring become available to you.

LastPass Password Manager2


Unlimited passwords

User friendly interface


It is free for users without cross-device support.



In this article on the Free Phone App site, we have answered one of the most common questions of users and examined it from different sections. There are other apps that you can use, but in this article, we reviewed the most important ones.

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