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How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall

In this post by the Free Phone App, we will be learning How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall. Stay tuned to the end of this tutorial if this is something that interests you.

The first reason why an application cannot be removed is that it may be an Android system application. System apps are software that help the Android operating system to function properly and it is better to never delete them. But sometimes the manufacturers of Android phones put some special programs such as antivirus apart from the system programs that do not cause any problem to delete such software.

Non-Removable Apps on Android

When we pick up an Android phone, we come across two categories of apps. The first category is the default Android and system programs that cannot be deleted and their Uninstall option is inactive in their settings. The second category are programs that are installed on the mobile phone by the manufacturer or the user himself, and the user can delete them at will.

Non-removable programs are also divided into two categories in Android. The first category are programs that are installed by the phone manufacturer and are part of the Android operating system. Therefore, these programs are known as essential programs for your phone and deleting them is beyond the reach of the user.

The second category is the programs that are installed on the phone as a device manager or administrator, and the device itself does not allow you to delete them. In this way, when you want to delete or disable one of these programs, you will encounter an error message and you will not be able to do it.

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How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won't Uninstall
How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall

How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall?

The good news is that both categories of these programs can be deleted and they can be deleted or disabled at will. Of course, its execution method is different and in some situations, removing these programs is not beneficial at all and convinces the user to stop doing this.

Uninstall Apps with Admin Access

As mentioned, we may have installed apps on our mobile phone that we are not able to remove. These programs are like control programs, mobile tracker programs, or programs like Find my phone. When the user installs these programs on his mobile phone, he is no longer allowed to delete them, and in some cases, they are not even displayed in the list of phone programs.

To delete such non-removable programs, we offer the following solution

  1. Enter the settings of your Android phone.
  2. Enter the security section of the device and select the Device Administrators option.
  3. Select the program you want and deactivate the tick in front of it.
  4. Go back to the main settings page and this time go to the Apps or installed applications section.
  5. Find the desired program from the displayed list and then select it.
  6. Touch the Uninstall option and delete the program.

If you are not able to find the Device Administrator option in your mobile phone’s security settings, just type a part of the name of Device Administrator or the device administrator in the settings search section and after it appears, select it and proceed with the rest of the steps.

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How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won't Uninstall
How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall

Summing Up

In this tutorial by the Free Phone App, we learned How to Uninstall Apps on Android that Won’t Uninstall. Hope you found this guide useful. Keep browsing Free Phone App for more helpful content.

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